Saturday, 17 July 2010

could you help me ?

dear friends , my name is fauzan . i am blogger from indonesia , in this post , i am looking for deutsch or finland people or anyone who can help me . in my plan , i want to school on finland or deutsch next year . now i am trying to learn finnish , because i want to school at helsinsky university  but my financial not enough to life on there . at this post i am looking for anyone help me to live in your home when i school on there until i get a job or until i finish my graduate . i really really want school on there , because on there , i heard that school on helsinsky university is no tuition fee , because in indonesia is so very expensive . if you can help me , post at the comment , thank you .


  1. I guess I can not help you, my own from Indonesia. Mat fight yes. But be careful shob, locate friends, you can-can sale.

  2. hello faisal , sorry can you explain me more what do you mean ?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I think you should finnish learn online, there are a lots of websites they provides free language learning guidance online.

  5. thank you man. go for an interpreter.
