Monday, 5 April 2010

Manfaat Komentar DoFollow Blog

Perdebatan tentang komentar blog DoFollow vs NoFollow telah berlangsung sejak atribut NoFollow diperkenalkan oleh Google dan Jason Shellen dari Blogger pada tahun 2005. Perubahan terbaru yang diumumkan Matt Cutts mengenai cara Google menangani PageRank telah menambahkan keuntungan baru untuk memiliki blog DoFollow. Praktik PageRank sculpting, yang melibatkan penggunaan NoFollow pada komentar untuk mengarahkan otoritas tautan, telah dinyatakan tidak efektif selama setahun terakhir.

Dengan mempertimbangkan perubahan ini, saya memutuskan untuk mengubah komentar blog saya menjadi DoFollow. Berikut adalah pertimbangan pro dan kontra yang saya evaluasi dalam mengambil keputusan ini:

Keuntungan Blog DoFollow:

  1. Blog DoFollow dapat menarik lebih banyak pengunjung setia ke situs web Anda, terutama jika situs tersebut masih relatif baru.
  2. Jika seseorang memberikan konten relevan yang menambah nilai bagi situs web saya, mereka layak mendapatkan tautan DoFollow. Tentu saja, dengan syarat situs web tujuan juga relevan dengan blog saya dan memberikan manfaat bagi pengunjung.
  3. Dengan selektif dalam menyetujui kualitas komentar di situs web Anda, Anda akan menarik pengunjung yang memberikan tautan berkualitas.

Tantangan Blog DoFollow:

  1. Spam merupakan masalah utama, dan ini adalah alasan awal diciptakannya atribut NoFollow. Banyak sistem blog dan sistem manajemen konten mengaktifkan NoFollow secara default. Namun, berdasarkan pengalaman saya, mengaktifkan NoFollow pada komentar tidak sepenuhnya mencegah spam.
  2. Untuk mengatasi spam, tersedia beberapa program yang dapat menangani masalah ini secara otomatis. Saya menggunakan Akismet, sebuah plugin anti-spam gratis untuk WordPress.
  3. Perlu diketahui bahwa dengan perubahan terbaru yang diumumkan Matt Cutts dari Google, teknik PageRank sculpting (manipulasi tautan NoFollow dan DoFollow) tidak lagi efektif.


Saya telah mengubah komentar blog saya menjadi DoFollow karena tidak melihat kerugian yang signifikan. Meskipun tetap menerima spam, plugin anti-spam WordPress yang saya gunakan mampu menangani peningkatan spam yang mungkin terjadi. Saya akan lebih selektif dalam menyetujui komentar, mengingat dampaknya yang besar terhadap reputasi situs. Komentar harus relevan dan memberikan nilai tambah untuk disetujui, sehingga menguntungkan semua pihak.


Friday, 2 April 2010

7 Steps to Get Your New Site Indexed by Google in 24 Hours

While many SEO experts recommend purchasing an existing domain for its age benefits, sometimes you need to start fresh with a new domain. Though it typically takes weeks for Google to index a new site, you can accelerate this process significantly by following these seven steps.

1. Create Quality Content

  • Develop at least 5 pages of substantial content
  • Write multiple paragraphs for each page
  • Avoid using "under construction" pages
  • Focus on providing valuable information

2. Implement Internal Linking Structure

  • Create a clear menu structure using a template
    • Find free templates at and similar sites
  • Include navigation links to all content pages
  • Add contextual links within content pages
  • Ensure your main landing page receives multiple internal links

3. Leverage Social Bookmarking

  • Create accounts on popular bookmarking sites:
    • BlinkList
    • Furl
  • Tag your content using common keywords
  • Reference tag clouds (especially on BlinkList) for popular tag ideas

4. Engage with Relevant Blogs

  • Find 5 popular blogs in your niche
  • Focus on posts published within the last 48 hours
  • Leave meaningful comments that add value to the discussion
  • Include your site URL in the appropriate field
  • Ensure your comments are relevant and not spam

5. Set Up and Submit XML Sitemap

  • Create an XML sitemap using available online tools
  • Upload the sitemap.xml file to your site
  • Ping Google with your sitemap URL:
  • Create a Google Webmaster Central account
  • Add and verify your site
  • Submit your XML sitemap through the console

6. Install Google Analytics

  • Set up a Google Analytics account
  • Add the tracking code to your site
  • Complete the site verification process
  • Begin collecting visitor data

7. Launch Google Ads Campaign

  • Create a Google Adwords account
  • Start a small advertising campaign targeting:
    • Your domain name
    • Company name
    • Long-tail keywords
  • Maintain a modest budget to trigger Google's quality score assessment

Monitoring Your Progress

  • Watch for Googlebot visits in your analytics
  • Check indexing status using the site: operator
    • Example:
  • Monitor Google Webmaster Central for indexing updates

Important Note

While this process can significantly speed up indexing (from weeks to days), the 24-hour timeframe isn't guaranteed. However, following these steps will give your site the best chance for rapid indexing.

Best Practices

  • Ensure all content is original and valuable
  • Follow web standards and best practices
  • Avoid any black-hat SEO techniques
  • Focus on creating a user-friendly experience
  • Keep monitoring and updating your site regularly

Thursday, 1 April 2010

How to Date Someone "Out of Your League": A Realistic Guide

Understanding Your Motivation

Before pursuing someone you consider "out of your league," reflect on your true intentions. Are you attracted to their popularity, or do you genuinely appreciate who they are as a person? Genuine interest in someone's character creates a stronger foundation than surface-level attraction.

Building Natural Connections

Instead of forcing interactions, create organic opportunities to connect:

  • Join group activities or projects where you can interact naturally
  • Engage in genuine conversations about shared interests
  • Build positive relationships with their friend group
  • Pay attention to mutual chemistry - if conversations feel forced, you might need to reassess

Developing Authentic Confidence

True confidence comes from self-acceptance, not pretense:

  • Maintain good posture and positive body language
  • Make appropriate eye contact during conversations
  • Walk with purpose and energy
  • Focus on your positive qualities while working on self-improvement
  • Remember: confidence is different from arrogance

Being Your Best Self

Present your authentic self while being mindful of social awareness:

  • Practice good hygiene and maintain a neat appearance
  • Show courtesy and respect in your interactions
  • Stay true to your personality while being considerate of others
  • Focus on personal growth while remaining genuine

Showing Genuine Interest

Look beyond surface-level attributes:

  • Ask thoughtful questions about their interests and passions
  • Show interest in their goals and aspirations
  • Listen actively and engage in meaningful conversations
  • Appreciate their intelligence, talents, and character
  • Build a connection based on mutual respect and understanding

Remember: The concept of someone being "out of your league" is often more about perception than reality. Focus on being your best self and creating genuine connections rather than trying to overcome imagined barriers.
