Sunday, 28 September 2008

Your Call

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
when you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) Selengkapnya...

A twist in my story

Slow down, the world isn't watching us break down
It's safe to say we are alone now, we're alone now
Not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver
I'm counting the seconds until you break the silence
So please just break the silence

The whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

And I'm longing, for words to describe how I'm feeling
I'm feeling inspired
My world just flip turned upside down
It turns around, say what's that sound
It's my heart beat, it's getting much louder
My heart beat, is stronger than ever
I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive

My whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
That's what you get
When you see your life in someone else's eyes
That's what you get, that's what you get

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you
This world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you Selengkapnya...

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Half Alive

It's four AM, I'm waking up to your perfume
Don't get up, I'll get through on my own
I don't know if I'm home
Or if I lost the way into your room
I'm spiraling into my doom
I'm feeling half alive but I know one day
You and I will be free,

To live and die by our own rules,
Despite the fact that men are fools.

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.

Well excuse me while I get killed softly,
Heart slows down and I can hardly tell you I'm okay
At least 'til yesterday,
You know you got me off my highest guard,
Believe me when I say it's hard.
We'll get through this tonight
And I know one day you and I will be free

To live and die by our own rules,
Despite the fact that men are fools.

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.

And you touch my hand ever so slightly
(Girl we're not ready for this yet)
And the deadly look she cast upon me
I won't regret, I won't regret
I won't regret. I won't regret...

And I was trying to disappear,
But you got me wrapped around you
I can hardly breathe without you
I was trying to disappear
But I got lost in your eyes now,
You brought me down to size now.

I'm almost alive
And I need you to try and save me.
It's okay that we're dying
But I need to survive tonight, tonight

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.
I need to survive tonight, tonight Selengkapnya...

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Fall For You

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start

Oh, But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find Selengkapnya...

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Manfaat beberapa buah

1. ALPUKAT Menawarkan asam lemak yang sehat, vitamin, dan mineral seperti kalsium. Menurunkan kolesterol sementara meningkatkan karbohidrat. Baik untuk malnutrisi dan kulit yang kering.
2. ANGGUR Sangat baik untuk meningkatkan energi tubuh. Mereka merupakan bahan yang sangat baik untuk ginjal dan hati, dan kaya akan senyawa yang mencegah pembentukan kanker. Baik untuk serangan jantung, kejang otot, kelelahan, infeksi virus, dan mencegah pembentukan lubang pada gigi.
3. APEL Pektin yang terkandung dalam apel dapat melawan lemak dan menurunkan kolesterol, seratnya membantu proses pencernaan. Daging buahnya membantu melarutkan kristal asam di dalam sendi. Baik untuk artritis, konstipasi, kolesterol tinggi, gangguan hati ringan, kegemukan.

4. ASPARAGUS Mengandung asparagine, suatu asam amino yang merangsang ginjal untuk membuang sisa metabolisme tubuh. Juga meningkatkan sirkulasi dan membantu melepaskan deposit lemak dari dinding pembuluh darah sehingga dapat dibuang. Baik untuk jerawat, eksema, gangguan ginajl, prostat, dan penurunan berat badan.

5. BAYAM DAN KANGKUNG Meningkatkan kesehatan, memberikan banyak vitamin dan mineral, termasuk kalsium, zat besi, kalium, vitamin A dan C. Baik untuk menghilangkan berbagai gangguan tubuh dan merupakan sumber energi yang cepat. Baik untuk asma, bronkitis, pneumonia, kolik, anemia, kelelahan, konstipasi, absorpsi kalsium, pencernaan, & osteoporosis.

6. BERRY Kaya kandungan vitamin A dan C. Berry berfungsi sebagai pembersih darah dan antiinflamasi. Baik untuk infeksi kandung kemih, sendi yang kaku, nyeri tenggorokan, gangguan kulit, tekanan darah tinggi, perdarahan gusi, napas berbau, pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening, memar, flu, dan batuk.

7 .CERRY Kaya zat besi dan magnesium, rendah kalori, dan kaya akan kalium dan vitamin C. Cherries membersihkan sistem urine, baik untuk artritis, rematisme, gangguan kulit, gout, anemia, gangguan ginjal, dan gangguan hati. Selengkapnya...

Team Building: Simple Techniques That Maximize Productivity

Team building has been around as a corporate training technique for decades, but recently it 's fallen into disuse. Why? Because many of the techniques of team building seem more like play than work, perhaps.

Or because managers decided that the team building they'd already done was enough to make the group cohesive and maximize their productivity.

However, team building is a continuing process. As the military has found in decades of trial and error, when you have units of people playing and competing together, they grow closer, start thinking as a group instead of as individuals, and find it easier to work as complementary parts rather than as units.

Communication improves. And almost like magic, a bunch of people are transformed into a functioning team.

How Team Building Works

Great team building exercises use a variety of techniques to build group cohesion. Communication is an essential part of team building, as are group focus on a single goal that requires strategy to accomplish.

Often, but not always, it helps to have separate teams competing against one another.

One especially effective method is the scavenger hunt. The manager conducting the team building exercise takes into account the individual strengths and weaknesses of each team member and includes challenges that will exploit both of these for each member.

Team members have to work together at times to accomplish certain goals, like using landmarks that different members are familiar with as markers for the hunt. And the reward at the end must be applied equally to all.

Paintball is used by the military to bring units together. This exercise requires not just physical fitness and good aim, but the more important and hard to train skills of strategic thinking, communication, and learning to bond.

While the sport is a little rough and tumble for many offices, it can be a great teambuilder for the right group.

Other great team building exercises can include things like round-robin quiz games, word puzzles, and ordinary sports. That office softball team? It can be fun and also a great team builder.

Including Team Building Into A Meeting

Team building exercises are generally fairly involved and take a considerable amount of time. For this reason, they are inappropriate for most meetings outside of office half-day or full-day retreats.

For these longer meetings, get away from the office so creativity can flow and natural barriers are broken down. Start the meeting with something relaxing and positive, then move into the team building games.

Only after the team builders should you get into serious work. Why? Because fresh from the team builder, your people will work better together and find fresh creative ideas. You'll notice an immediate result, and you'll begin cementing those new bonds right away.

When To Use Team Building

Every office with numerous workers who frequently do not interact directly should look into using team builder exercises. However, there are a number of situations that almost require the use of team building.

For instance, in an office where there has been considerable friction or small groups competing in negative rather than positive ways, team building can break down barriers and create rapport where only strife existed before.

This is really excellent if you can do a contest pitting upper management with the people in cubicles, between whom a natural and healthy rivalry already exists in most cases.

Also, in offices with high turnover a regular team building exercise can build bonds that will help slow that turnover rate as well as improve interworking relationships for new and established employees.

In this case, team building exercises when your turnover hits a critical mass of 10-15% new employees can help bring the new people into your current corporate climate. Selengkapnya...

Friday, 19 September 2008

Orang Asia sulit six pack

Suatu penelitian yang menggemparkan baru saja mengguncang dunia fitness dan olahraga akhir-akhir ini. Setelah mengetahui hasil dari penelitian ini, jutaan orang Asia yang maniak fitness mulai melakukan sit-up dan crunch sebanyak 200 kali sehari disertai dengan diet rendah lemak secara massal! Apakah yang menyebabkan mereka melakukan itu?

Fakta yang Bikin Kecewa

Entah apa yang terpikir di benak dr. Scott Lear dari Kanada saat dia memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian bersama lima koleganya terhadap 800 orang lebih penduduk Kanada yang terdiri dari etnis Aborigin, Cina, Eropa dan Asia Selatan (Daerah India, Pakistan dan sekitarnya).

Tidak tanggung-tanggung, para ilmuwan Kanada tersebut mengukur massa lemak dan distribusi lemak tubuh dari 800 lebih orang untuk dibandingkan berdasarkan etnis atau suku bangsanya. Mereka melakukan penelitian ini secara teliti dan spesifik dengan memperhitungkan berbagai faktor seperti usia, jenis kelamin, indeks massa tubuh dan juga gaya hidup.

Ternyata hasil dari penelitian ini memang cukup mencengangkan. Bagaimana tidak, kalau ternyata diketahui bahwa etnis Cina dan Asia Selatan rata-rata memiliki massa lemak tubuh yang lebih tinggi daripada etnis bangsa Eropa dan Aborigin. Dengan kata lain, orang-orang bangsa timur ternyata lebih banyak menyimpan lemak di tubuhnya dibandingkan bangsa barat.

Hasil analisa tersebut otomatis juga menempatkan bangsa Asia sebagai bangsa yang berisiko tinggi untuk terserang penyakit-penyakit seperti jantung koroner, stroke, tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes dan komplikasi-komplikasi yang lain. Dan tentunya, yang paling nyata dan pastinya paling dikeluhkan oleh penggemar fitness adalah, orang-orang Asia atau keturunan Asia jadi sangat sulit untuk memahat otot sixpack yang tajam dan sempurna di perutnya”. Kenyataan yang memilukan, bukan?

Benar! Fakta inilah yang nampaknya menjadi alasan mengapa orang-orang Asia tidak dapat secepat dan semudah bangsa lainnya seperti Eropa atau Afrika dalam membentuk tubuh atletis yang kering nan berisi.

Susah Bukan Berarti Tak Bisa!

Penelitian oleh dr. Scott Lear tersebut memang mengatakan bahwa bangsa Asia memang memiliki “bakat” untuk menyimpan lemak tubuh dalam porsi yang lebih banyak daripada bangsa yang lain. Menurut Scott, faktor genetiklah yang menjadi kemungkinan utama penyebabnya, tetapi penelitian lebih lanjut dan lebih canggih perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan kesimpulan tersebut.

Susah bukan berarti tidak mungkin bagi Anda yang keturunan Asia untuk memiliki 6 kotak otot di perut. Yang perlu Anda lakukan ialah menjaga pola makan dengan menghindari semua yang berlemak agar tidak menutupi otot di perut dan memilih yang berprotein tinggi agar otot di perut Anda semakin kuat. Tidak dipungkiri memang kalau semua makanan yang berlemak selalu enak, tetapi inilah inti dari program pembentukan sixpack Anda, yaitu melawan nafsu diri sendiri terhadap yang enak.

Usaha Ektra

Untuk memicu pembakaran lemak lebih optimal, Anda memerlukan usaha ekstra keras. Tidak ada salahnya Anda menggunakan nutrisi khusus yang dapat membantu Anda. Kehadiran L-Carnitine di dunia suplemen memang sudah cukup banyak diketahui orang, namun masih banyak juga yang meragukan perannya sebagai pahlawan pembasmi lemak. Hal tersebut memang kita maklumi mengingat beberapa tahun terakhir ini penelitian yang membuktikan keampuhan L-Carnitine memang tidak banyak terlalu terdengar.

The Sixpack Solution

Stephen Francis seorang ilmuwan Inggris dari University of Nottingham yang bersama tim khususnya selalu meneliti L-Carnitine dari waktu ke waktu melakukan suatu penelitian yang lebih meyakinkan kelebihan dari L-Carnitine. Dari uji klinis terhadap tujuh orang pria sehat selama 2 minggu dibuktikan bahwa L-Carnitine memang secara ilmiah dapat “menggiring” lemak yang ada di sekitar otot untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi energi.

Kemampuan L-Carnitine dalam menjadikan lemak sebagai bahan bakar ini terbukti dapat terjadi kapan saja, yaitu saat kita istirahat dan lebih maksimal lagi pada saat olahraga atau beraktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan dibatasinya oksidasi lemak pada tubuh, L-Carnitine secara tidak langsung ikut mencegah terjadinya obesitas dan timbulnya penyakit-penyakit biangnya lemak seperti diabetes dan jantung koroner.

Nah, dengan kombinasi kardio yang rutin, intensitas latihan perut yang tinggi, pola makan tinggi protein dan rendah lemak yang terkontrol serta dibantu dengan kesaktian L-Carnitine dalam membakar lemak yang tersimpan dalam tubuh; Maka tak peduli apapun etnis atau suku bangsa Anda, otot sixpack nan tajam dan tubuh atletis nan kering pun dapat Anda miliki! Sixpack abs belongs to everybody, including you! Selengkapnya...

What Was Early Earth Like?

In the scientific community there are two main schools of thought on the origin of life on Earth. One is that life was started here via a process known as panspermia. This is where bacteria are carried through space from another planet on a comet or meteor. The idea is that these bacteria would somehow survive impact and then go on to flourish on the new planet, in this case Earth.

While the theory of panspermia is certainly valid, Earth was heavily bombarded by meteorites prior to the start of life, it still doesn't answer how life came to be in the first place. The likelihood of something surviving an impact combined with landing somewhere where it could thrive seems like a remotely small chance as well. The more widely accepted theory is that life on Earth originated here and did not come from another planet.

No concrete theory has been put forward that shows how life can come into being from non-living material yet. Without perfectly sterile lab conditions and a few hundred million years it may prove impossible. However it is theorised that life began as a series of organic chemicals and molecules. One of these molecules gained the ability to replicate itself. The crucial feature of this replication is that it was not perfect, there would sometimes be 'errors' in the reproduction.

If an 'error' in reproduction left that particular strand at a disadvantage then they would not reproduce as much and would eventually die out. If an error or mutation left a strand at a clear advantage, however, then they would reproduce in greater numbers and would take over. This is the start of natural selection and evolution, the theory that is thought to govern the development of all life right from the beginning to where we are today. Eventually DNA would emerge as the dominant force in replication and life was well on its way to becoming cellular.

Eventually primitive life would evolve membranes and so cells were born. The leap to membranes is actually easier to comprehend as the phospholipids present in cell membranes form bilayers spontaneously when placed in water. This property would allow the contents of life to be contained within the confines of a cell. The cells that would go on to become the ancestors of all life on Earth were present at this time, just over 3.5 billion years ago. They were primitive compared to modern cells, still lacking a nucleus, mitichondria and chloroplasts.

The next main development that would change the planet came with the advent of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis would allow life to use sunlight as an energy source. Cells that did not develop photosynthesis would also benefit as they could consume the photosynthesising cells. The secondary effect of stimulating the growth of life was what is know as the 'Oxygen Catastrophe'. Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis and was toxic to a great many organisms. The waste oxygen would have first become bound to limestone and iron in the sea, before it could escape into the atmosphere. The atmosphere would slowly build up in concentration of oxygen and the ozone layer eventually formed, guarding the planet 's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation. As a substantial amount of life died from oxygen some would find a way to harness it to enhance their metabolism.

Cells would continue to adapt over millions of years, gaining organelles and nuclei. At this point in history, around 1.1 billion years ago, the first supercontinent was beginning to take shape and plant, animal and fungus cells had split and were clearly defined, although still single-celled. As colonies of cells built up in volume over time some cells in certain parts of the colony would evolve into specialist cells giving a benefit for the whole colony. As this division began to take place it could be said that this was the start of multicellular organisms. Around 900 million years ago the first multi-celled animals began to appear.

Around 770 million years ago scientists believe that the planet went through a phase that has become known as Snowball Earth. For 20 million years the oceans froze over and the Earth entered a severe ice age. Eventually after time volcanic eruptions would cause enough carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere and heat the planet due to the greenhouse effect.

By 530 million years ago fish had evolved and were the first known vertebrates. With the ice melted, the ozone layer present and complex life thriving in the ocean it would only be a matter of time before life would take to land. Selengkapnya...

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

Hotel establishments are finding increasingly inventive ways of encouraging clientele to stay with them as opposed to their competition. The credit crunch has hit this business as much as any other and it has become necessary for them to offer more services to make a stay more convenient for visitors.

Some of the top hotels run a personal answering service for their visitors but there is talk in the business of this being stopped due to the indiscretion of visitors, callers and answering service staff. This has led to some embarrassment in high places and both MP 's and high flying businessmen have found themselves subject to paparazzi attention when they thought they were safe.

Top business people have been making it their practice to book up rooms and then use the answering service to run much of their business from the comfort of the hotel suite. This is, in fact, an illegal practice and as such, needs to be stopped. A hotel answering service should be used to relay occasional messages, not as a secretarial service.

One top Tory MP was recently caught out in an indiscretion with the assistance of a member of staff situated on the answering service switchboard. Once a woman is scorned, she develops this in-built radar that can detect a cheater at fifty paces. The woman in question was aware from the messages she had taken for the MP that he was having a liaison with a certain Madam Whiplash. Knowing the MP to be married, when she also took a message from the MP 's wife announcing an imminent visit, she accidently forgot to forward the message to the relevant party. The mess that ensued was paparazzi fodder for several days!

It was hoped that this service would be one that would be useful to all hotel guests, and had been working quite well but the incident with the MP has caused unrest and mis-trust and the service is being used in a limited way now. People have lost trust and this particular hotel are now looking for other methods of attracting attention.

Given that this hotel is in such a popular area of London, they are, in fact, surrounded by many hotels that all cater for top businessmen and women and it is thought that, now their reputation has already been sullied and they have lost the type of clientele they previously enjoyed, that they may start letting rooms to obvious paparazzi members so that nearby hotel guests can be spied on and the hotels bookings are once again set to increase.

Obviously in this case, the answering service proved to be the downfall of at least one man. Or at least, the scorned woman did! So, does this mean that hotels should withdraw the service for fear of it happening again or should they simply grill the potential telephone operators to see how their previous relationships fared and whether there are any served sentencing for bunny boiling.

As with all things in life, there will always be someone to abuse the system. Is it right that as soon as someone does, that the system should be stopped? That everyone should lose out because of certain members of the community taking advantage or taking umbrage at someone else 's behaviour? These are questions that hotels need to consider carefully before implementing ways that are supposed to boost their business Selengkapnya...

Get the Most Useful Tips from Home Theater Magazines

Going to the movie theater after a long day of work may be an entertainment you look forward to every single day. However, if you continue doing this everyday, in the end you will notice that this proves to be very expensive. Thus, if you truly want to continue watching movies everyday, a home theater system may be what you need. However, people believe that a home theater set up is a luxury only accessible for the rich and the famous. This is because you may need to invest quite handsomely in order for you to have the home theater set up that resembles a movie theater.

Even with this notion, I believe that if you want to watch movies every single day, in a year or so, you will spend the same amount or even higher than what you invested in your home theater set up. It is thus practical for you to bring home the entertaining experience you get from a movie theater. If your budget is limited, you may opt for the basic setup of home theater system, and when you finally get enough money to dress-up your home theater system, you may be able to do so with no problem.

If you want to ensure you will be able to get the best entertainment in your home theater system, you may start reading tipsters from home theater magazines. Home theater experts maintain various columns and publish numerous articles that will give home theater owners the most useful tips concerning their home theater system. You will definitely find one entertaining article, which will give you deeper understanding of the benefits of your home theater system from the pages of home theater magazines.

Even if you are still contemplating on acquiring home theater system or are already an owner of a home theater system, the useful tips and in-depth analysis of home theater equipments and furniture from home theater magazine may be very useful to you.

You may also find home theater reviews from the pages of your home theater magazine. These reviews will keep you up to date on the latest industry news. It is thus necessary for you to subscribe to a home theater magazine if you want entertainment right in your own living room. You may find all types of home theater equipments and furniture, reviews of each of them are also be available in the home theater magazine. You will find that you will never commit the mistake of buying inferior product if you can follow the recommendation of home theater experts found in home theater magazines.

Movies and shows you may enjoy in your home theater system may also be available in the pages of your home theater magazines. Industry news and updated models of home theater equipments with the corresponding pros and cons of home theater products are available in the pages of home theater magazines as well.

Finally, home theater magazines may also recommend the best place to buy superior home theater equipments and supplies. You may find articles on the latest innovative designs of home theater paraphernalia in home theater magazine. Thus, you are sure to be able to enjoy the most out of your home theater set up because of the useful information and recommendations coming from home theater experts and home theater designers. Features of the most recommended setup for your home theater system may also be available.

Find the most entertaining home theater magazine and get the useful information from its pages to keep you updated in the latest industry news and home theater reviews available. Selengkapnya...

Avoiding Fake Products on eBay

If only the words '100% authentic' were always used honestly. Unfortunately, there are heaps of fakes on eBay and unfortunately they are VERY hard to spot without experience and specialised knowledge - especially before you pay your good money and get the item home!

I've been buying and selling on eBay for a while and I'll admit that I have sold fakes - at least I'm confident that they were even though my supplier told me that they were authentic. I sold them on eBay for what I paid for them just to get rid of them and didn't say in my listing that they were authentic - I even told some buyers who asked that I doubted that they were - but I couldn't really say for sure.

Here is the formula that I follow now and it has worked well to keep me clear of fakes on eBay.

1. If something is too good to be true then it is! Do you really think that Ralph Lauren Polo produces thousands and thousands of extra polo shirts every week and allows their manufacturers to sell these babies at next to nothing? I'll tell you now that the only way to get an authentic RLP shirt is to go to a department store or boutique - or buy from someone who bought it from the same. The same goes for LV, Prada, Versace etc. You are not getting the real thing just because it could be made by the real manufacturer - though I doubt that most designers will have such lax controls over their contractors that they could get away with it. It 's just too convenient. The same goes for any brand that you see advertised in abundance on eBay brand new. It just doesn't happen.

2. If the price is rock bottom then the goods are fake. How do you think that anyone can get their hands on a current season $2000 LV bag and resell it for $80! They can't! But they can get fakes for next to nothing and flog them off with the title 100% Authentic! (You can get authentic goods at great discount prices, don't get me wrong. There is huge and legitimate industry in selling department store returns and shelf pulls etc - just don't expect to get a lot of this stuff until the season is over.)

3. If the seller doesn't guarantee authenticity with a full money back guarantee then they are probably not trustworthy. Have you ever seen something that is "authentic" and the seller had a line in their auction that said - all sales final, no money back, etc etc. They expect you to be unhappy with their product and know that they are going to get complaints.

4. Stick with sellers who have sold a lot of the product and have lots of positive feedback for the item. The feedback system is the genius of eBay.

5. Buy from sellers who have registered their business. These guys are more likely than anyone to have the ability to get contracts with authorised distributors.

6. Don't buy something that you haven't seen the real photo of. Heaps of eBay sellers are getting away with posting images that they've poached from the official sites - especially with RLP, LV and Ipods. Expect and insist on the seller posting a picture that they have taken with their own camera of the product. If anything doesn't look 100% don't touch it.

7. Go to the trouble of checking out an authentic item first. Go to a boutique and check out the real thing so that you know what it looks like and what sort of tags and packaging it really comes in. Check your experience against the auction item.

8. As a rule don't buy anything from Hong Kong, China or India. I bought 20 Polo Shirts to try out a supplier and when they arrived they had come from India. I don't know about you, but I just couldn't believe that there was a valid reason why shirts that were supposedly made in Malaysia sold to me by a guy in Australia should have come from India. That and the fact that there was just something not right about the colors...

9. Ask the seller where they get their supplies. If they won't tell you, or if they indicate that they buy in bulk from the manufacturer or anyone else except an authorised distribution network or department store then say goodbye.

10. FINALLY, Trust your instincts. We live and learn a lot in life and out instincts become pretty fine tuned if we learn to trust them. You've seen the real stuff before. Do you get a feeling that the item you're looking at on eBay is a bit off. In this case - especially if the other parts of the formula aren't present (good feeback, guarantees etc) - stay away.

Unfortnately for all of us the counterfeiting industry is a multi-BILLION dollar business. Even the authorised distributors and resellers sometimes get it wrong and buy fakes (I read a sad story about a woman who was taking medication for a while and she was seeing no improvement so she went back to her pharmacist only to discover that the drugs were fake. Even the pharmacist hadn't realised and he'd been selling the stuff for months!)

There is nothing worse than buying a fake. It 's a real disappointment. Best to just save up the full price and buy from within the authorised network. Selengkapnya...

Alcoholism And Its Causes-From Dundee, Carpentersville And Island Lake

Alcoholism And Its Causes-From Dundee, Carpentersville And Island Lake

Alcoholism is one of the most serious problems that has plagued society. Virtually everyone has heard about trouble being caused in a family or elsewhere by someone being drunk.

Unfortunately, many of these same problem people try to avoid their responsibility for doing so by using their alcohol intoxication as an excuse. Silly them! They think it will exonerate them.

How does one define alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a condition that results when any significant area of your life is damaged because of it: Family, parenting, job, physical health, school etc. Someone does not have to consume a lot more alcohol than the norm, or use it more frequently than the norm to be considered alcoholic.

The mere act of drinking, no matter how much or how frequently is not an indication of alcoholism by itself. A person can be considered an alcoholic if, because of his consumption of alcohol, he gets abusive with his family, performs inadequately at work or school, spends compulsively, engages in sexual behavior indiscriminately or because of alcohol, has any other problem in the work, educational, physical, emotional or relationship spheres of his life.

If without it, an alcoholic does not have to have withdrawal symptoms and does not have to be homeless or destitute. Many serious alcoholics, on the surface, look like they are functioning well. They include executives, celebrities, professionals, clergymen etc.

What Causes A Person To Become Alcoholic

Alcoholism in a person can be caused by several factors. One hypothesis is that some people have genetic predispositions which cause them to get intoxicated easier or more intensely or have fewer side effects or hangover symptoms than others.

This causes them to drink more indiscriminately or carelessly than others. Also, many people become alcoholic due to emotional reasons; they do not like how they feel when not intoxicated, so they drink excessively, just to feel OK.

Some people, when experiencing loneliness, anxiety or depression turn to alcohol in order to feel more comfortable. This is because alcohol can have anxiety-inhibiting effects, if taken in sufficient amounts.

Alcoholically prone people are likely to imbibe alcohol in self-defeating ways just to try to forget situations or circumstances which cause them emotional discomfort.

Peer pressures can also a factor. Many people start drinking at an early age because of peer pressure to do so. In some of these cases, the body itself becomes so accustomed to alcohol that the drinker ends up craving it everyday.

Effects of Alcoholism to Society and the Person

Alcoholism is damaging to both the alcoholic and those around him. Significantly, alcoholism can cause very powerful and sometimes catastrophic social and physical damage.

For example, excessive ingestion of alcohol can cause several serious digestive problems. These include cirrhosis of the liver and inflammation of the pancreas, among others.

Other physical dysfunctions can also arise, including impairment of sexual performance, heart disease and increased cancer risk. Significantly, alcoholism can also be socially damaging.

For example, a husband or father hung over from too much drinking may find it difficult to generate income for his family because of being absent too frequently from work. If this occurs too much, it can result in him losing his job, causing devastating effects and hardships for himself and his family.

Alcohol can cause a person to lose sound judgment, causing him to act in harmful and embarrassing ways.
When triggered, alcoholics can become emotionally and even physically violent and be at high risk for committing abuses on family members.

Such behavior can lead to serious, even catastrophic consequences, including serious emotional damage to ones spouse and young children. Selengkapnya...

Neuromorphic Chips to Replace Brain Cells

Neuromorphic Chips to Replace Brain Cells

by Rob343088
Is society moving towards a future where people will be able to replace their biological neurons with computer chips or artificial neurons? Some researchers think that having implantable neural prostheses may be just around the corner. This currently science fiction scenario may actually not be that far off. There has been a continuing development of neural prostheses that are implantable in the brain. This type of implant will signal in a totally new era in bioengineering and also neuroscience research. Researchers have increasinglly made better intracranial implants of devices that are able to communicate with the brain. They can be used for a variety of brain disorders in order to restore either motor, sensory or cognitive functions.

In the future, neuromorphic chips may eventually serve as a replacement for biological neurons. There are quite a few researchers who are working on this. Neuromorphic basically refers to a computer chip that mimics biological neurons such as the firing patterns and connectivity. Neuromorphic chips may be able to function as brain implants for a variety of different people who have brain disorders such as brain damage or stroke. A neuromorphic chip could in theory replace the brain matter that is missing as a result of brain damage.

What about those people who only want to replace their brain matter with something that is more durable? In the future, scientists may eventually create neuron sized robots or maybe even smaller nanorobots that will enable the replacement of biological neurons. The futurist Ray Kurzweil has discussed this possiblity for some time. These nano sized robots may eventually be able to precisely position themselves inside a person 's brain. The nano sized robot could replace all of the relevant synaptic connections and then function as a total replacement for the biological neuron. This could be replicated for every single neuron in the brain until the whole brain had been replaced by non-biological neurons or a neuromorphic type chip.

Having a neuromorphic brain brings up quite a few interesting questions. One is how much of a neuron do we actually need to simulate in a chip to get a good representation? There may be a lot of the information inside a real neuron that may actually be quite superfluous. However scientists really don't know enough why an aggregate amount of atoms inside a person 's brain can sustain a unitary conscious experience. It is really not that clear how much information inside the neuron is really needed to functionally replicate all of its processes.

Will a neuromorphic chip be able to replicate our current experience of consciousness? Consciousness is actually a really complex emergent function of several aspects of brain processes at multiple levels. It is currently at all not clear if consciousness can really be replicated merely by having a model of all of the computational capacity in the brain via a bunch of artificial neurons and also synaptic connections.

What would be the actual benefits of having a brain replaced by artificial neurons? Well, for one thing this would be a much more durable substrate that would likely be much less susceptible to damage. Currently our biological neurons are fairly fragile. They often die off over the course of our lifetimes. So having these artificial neurons might be beneficial for extreme life extension as your brain would be able to last quite a bit longer. Overall, though, there might be some enormous benefits to replacing your biological neurons with a functional artificial chip equivalent.

About the Author

See my blog treatments for depression and

depression treatments and finally

treatment depression for more information about neuroscience and neurotechnology.

Article Source: Content for Reprint


the end of the dinosaurus

The End Of The Dinosaurs

by enrico
The Jurassic and Cretaceous periods are known as the time of the dinosaurs. During these two vast eras of time the world was dominated by these giant reptiles. Some of the sauropod herbivores are the largest animals to have ever walked the planet, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex is the largest ever land predator. The periods also saw the development of flowing plants, birds and mammals, all of which are still alive and thriving today.

The start of the Jurassic period was signalled by the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event. With many species dying out, there were large ecological niches that would be filled over time. During the Jurassic the supercontinent Pangea broke up into two separate land masses, Laurasia in the North and Gondwana in the South. The climate at the time was much warmer than that of today, with no land at the North or South poles.

Marine crocodiles, dolphin-like ichthyosaurs and the plesiosaurs dominated the oceans. All reptilian, whales and dolphins would not enter the seas for millions of years to come. The Jurassic also saw a large increase in planktonic species.

During this time many of the 'classic' dinosaurs evolved. Long-necked herbivores such as Diplodocus and Apatosaurus were feeding from the abundant ferns, cyads and conifer trees. Their enormous size would have been a deterrent to predators and would also allow them to browse vegetation at levels that other animals could not reach. With such a long and flexible neck an animal such as Diplodocus would have been able to feed on almost all vegetation growing at the time. Large Tyrannorsaur-like therapods were also living at this time, possibly hunting sauropods. Little is known about the behavior of dinosaurs as so many fossil specimens are incomplete. During the late Jurassic the first birds evolved from smaller bipedal dinosaurs.

The Cretaceous period started around 145 million years ago and lasted until the extinction of the dinosaurs, around 65 million years ago. During the Cretaceous period the continents continued to break up and started to resemble that which we see today. South America, Antarctica and Australia all moved away from Africa forming the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The planet continued to cool in temperature, although remaining much hotter than current climates. Tropical average temperatures would have averaged at around 37 degrees centigrade, with deep sea temperatures sitting around 20 degrees hotter than they do today.

The Cretaceous is notable for the spread of flowering plants, or angiosperms. Along with the development of flowers was the evolution of bees and other pollen-spreading insects. This flourishing ecosystem is an excellent example of where two organisms can greatly accelerate eachother 's development, commonly known as coevolution. Many leafy trees also began to show up during the Cretaceous, and plants started to look much more like they do in modern times.

The dinosaurs would continue to evolve and thrive during the Cretaceous period with many of the most well-known species flourishing during this period. Tyrannosaurus was the top land predator along with smaller bipedal dinosaurs such as Velociraptors. Pterosaurs would face increasing competition from birds and would dwindle significantly in numbers towards the end of the Cretaceous. Mammals were still restricted to smaller nocturnal creatures. At this point in the sea sharks and rays had fully developed and would remain the same even millions of years later.

The Cretaceous period was ended by a huge mass extinction event known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. It is thought that the extinction was brought on by a huge meteorite impact, the crater of which can be found on the Chicxulub coast in Mexico. The impact would have kicked up a huge dust cloud, blocking much of the sun 's light. The impact crater shows that the meteor struck the coastline and so would have caused massive tsunamis, which would have proved fatal to all animal life caught in them. Evidence of tsunamis is prevalent across the USA, with marine sand found a long distance in land. The impact produced a cloud of sulphur dioxide which would have caused reduced sunlight as well as acid rain. This would have killed plants and plankton, severely harming the ecosystems that depended on them.

The only survivors of the event were omnivores, insectivores and carrion-eaters. Ecosystems that were based on consuming detritus would have been able to survive, and mammals with their warm blood and diet of insects would have been able to live through events that killed the larger reptilian dinosaurs. Crocodiles also survived the extinction event, this is thought to be due to their ability to live as scavengers and go for months without food.

After this mass extinction killed off the vast majority of the dominant life-forms a vast number of ecological niches were left open for mammals and birds to fill. The next era is known as the Paleocene Epoch and would see the growth of mammals across the planet.

About the Author

Patrick is an expert Research and Travel consultant. His current interest is in Birmingham airport hotels, Sofitel Gatwick and Gatwick Maple Manor.

Article Source: Content for Reprint


Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Sell Links On Your Site

buat para lo yang mao tao tentang linkworth dan programnya banner diatas jja

klik link dibawah ini

ada sesuatu menarik yang seru
cuma jual link doank

lo dapet duit

makanya buruan gabung di linkworth

Sell Links On Your Site



gw saranin bagi lo yang mao dollar leawat internet ..
ikutin saran gw buat lo untuk ikut linkworth

banyak keuntungan yang bakal lo dapet

mending coba

baru komentar


friendster yang dibayar

"Selamat Datang di Blog Yuwie, Blog Ini Berisi Tentang Trik, Tips Maupun Informasi Terbaru Tentang Yuwie, Silahkan Dibaca-Baca..Klo Ada Hal Yang Mau Ditanyakan Silahkan Kirim Lewat Komentar..Thanks"

Monday, July 21, 2008

Yuwie..Friendster Yang Dibayar.!!

Hentikan hidup yang membosankan! Sekarang Anda bisa bersenang-senang sambil dapat uang…

“Hanya Dengan Berkenalan, Mengajak Teman Lama, Nongkrong Bareng, maka ANDA Dibayar Dengan DOLLAR Oleh Yuwie… Daftar GRATIS!”

Teman saya bilang, “Ada sejenis Friendster baru, daftarnya gratis tapi aktifitas kita akan dibayar hingga $10,235.49 bahkan lebih/bulan…” Saya bilang, “Ahh… bohooong!”

Tapi karena gratis & tanpa resiko saya coba join, kalau bohong saya tinggalkan… setelah 3 minggu melakukan beberapa aktifitas di Yuwie, pada tanggal 11 Oktober saya lihat di halaman earning report saya ternyata dapat $0.17… wahh kecil sekali… bagaimana mau nyampe $10,235.49?

Tapi ada juga yang dapat $26.48, ada yang dapat $50.37 setelah join 2 bulan dan bahkan ada yang mendapat $144 di bulan ke-3… Saya mulai optimis…

Ada yang percaya, ada yang tidak… ada yang optimis, ada yang pesimis… silahkan itu sah-sah saja… karena kalau semua orang setuju, ketika anda bicara maka yang lain akan memasukkan tangan kedalam saku celananya dan mengatakan “uh huh… uh huh… uh huh…”

Maka dunia ini akan sangat membosankan, bukan?

Ini screenshot website RESMI yang dioperasikan dari Amerika…

Dan ini screenshot bukti pembayaran salah satu member Yuwie…

Apa, Kenapa, dan Berapa Yuwie Membayar Anda?

Yuwie adalah social networking (sejenis friendster) pertama di dunia yang membayar para membernya!

Anda akan dibayar ketika siapa saja yang membuka…
- halaman profil anda
- halaman blog anda
- melihat semua teman anda (view all)
- melihat semua komentar anda (view all)
- halaman picture anda
- jika seseorang melihat halaman layout anda
- jika anda beraktifitas di contorl panel (member area)

Kenapa Yuwie bisa membayar anda?

Logikanya mudah saja… setiap anda membuka suatu halaman, pasti ada iklan di halaman tersebut… terutama Google Ads

Simple-nya seperti ini…

Perusahaan lain beriklan di Yuwie > perusahaan itu membayar Yuwie > Yuwie membayar anda

Sangat logis!

Berapa Yuwie membayar anda?

Per halaman yang dibuka (per impression/view), semua itu akan dihitung 1 (satu) dan akan diakumulasikan.

Anda akan dibayar kira-kira $0.45 per 9.000 views… seperti contoh dibawah ini seandainya anda mengajak 3 teman dan teman anda mengajak 3 teman lagi hingga kedalaman 10 level, dan setiap referral membuka 1000 halaman per bulan…

Wow anda pasti berpikir… “Kecil sekali komisinya?” Ya, tapi bayangkan jika tahun depan Yuwie memiliki member sebanyak FS, maka pada saat itu anda bisa jadi sangat-sangat kaya :) Lihat earning report salah satu member Yuwie ini menghasilkan $26.48 pada bulan ke-2…

Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya… “Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?” Seperti di FS, ajak teman anda untuk bergabung maka setiap aktifitas teman anda itu, views yang mereka hasilkan akan diakumulasikan dengan total views anda… maka total views anda pasti makin banyak :)

Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan cek $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 94.166.508,-) per bulan.

Temukan teman baru dan nikmati, berkenalan dengan ribuan member lainnya, nongkrong bareng dengan teman lama dan dapatkan dollar-nya :)

WARNING! Pilih Mana tetep dibudakin ma FRIENDSTER atau pindah ke YUWIE, di temen dapet..duit pun dapet..iya g..!!!

klo lu pilih YUWIE…segera SIGN UP, klik JOIN NOW di bawah ini..!!!!

Gabung sekarang... GRATIS!

Daftar > Ajak Teman > Hang Out (seperti di FS) > Terima cek $ dari Yuwie

Trik untuk mendapatkan downline sebanyak - banyaknya :

- Setelah anda mendaftar di YUWIE sebaiknya anda membuat website atau blog, saran kami anda membuat blog karena relatif lebih mudah.

alamat blog :, dll.

alamat domain + hosting gratisan :, dll

- jika anda mengalami kesulitan kalimat dalam menyusun website atau blog, silahkan saja kopi paste kalimat yang ada dalam web ini

- Jika anda ingin dibuatkan blog, saya siap membantu anda, cukup kirimkan referrar anda di yuwie, caranya setelah daftar yuwie, masuk account yuwie anda..trus klik kotak FRIEND, nanti disitu ada Foto saya arie , lalu kirim message ke saya mengenai id referrel anda. saya akan dengan senang hati membuatkan anda blog.

- Promosikan blog atau website anda ke media chat, forum-forum, atau media iklan online gratisan


Last time

Im stuck with writing songs
just to forget, what they really were about
and these words
are bringing me,so deeply in debt
that I don't think I can dig my way out.
i couldn't breathe you in
like i need to
and the words don't mean a thing.

so i'll sing this song to you,
for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two,
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there is nothing left to prove

im counting all the things i coulda done,
to make you see that i wanted us to be
what i go to sleep and dream of
i want you to know that i'd die for you.
i'd die for you.
i couldn't breathe you in like i need to
and the words don't mean a thing

so i'll sing this song to you for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there's nothing else to prove
and if you are alone make sure you're not lonely.
cuz if you are i blame myself.
for never being home.
i know im not the only one
who will treat you like they should.
like you deserve.

im stuck with writing songs just to forget.

so i'll sing this song to you
for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two.
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there's nothing left to prove.
there's nothing
there's nothing
there's nothing left to prove

and above is secondhand serenade lyrics Selengkapnya...

Saturday, 13 September 2008

myviewin gabung yook

guys lo semua pasti udah familiar banget kan dengan situs Myspace,Friendster,Facebook ,tetapi ada 1 situs semacam situs friendster yang membayar kita .. udah tao lom ? YUWIE ye ? emm bukan.. yang satu lagi yang terbaru yaitu myviewin..

Yang gw tahu dari web ini adalah
- sign up dapet $5
- Membernya masih kurang, ini memudahkan kita untuk bisa berasa diatas
- Perhitungan Profit Sharingnya lebih banyak (ini terbukti: membernya masih kurang 'baru sekitar 3200-an, sudah banyak yang terbanyar)
- Minimum Payout $50 melalui paypal. (lebih cepat dicairkan dibanding nungguin pin / cek)
- Tapi beda cara dapat poin-nya dari Yuwie,
(Yuwie = kita dapat poin apabila kita membuka + referrals buka page (pageview))
(MyViewin = kita dapat poin apabila/kapanpun orang atau kita sendiri membuka halaman kita (profile, foto, blog, forum, dll)
- apa lagi yach,.. gw rasa itu sudah cukup

kalo lo tertarik klik disini Selengkapnya...

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

ptc baru

Thank's dah nyempetin baca blog gw...klo da kritik dan saran, tinggalin koment ja..he. dan juga mohon maaf klo misalnya ada kata2 yg kurang enak atau bahkan menyinggung...jangan dimasukin ke hati,.
Selain ziddu, bizhat, adsense, clixsense, kumpul blogger atau apapun namanya ada alternative lain yang bisa kita manfaatkan buat mendapatkan rupiah.

Selain penghasilan dari membuka/membaca iklan, kami juga menyediakan bonus-bonus lain bagi para member yakni :

SIGNUP Bonus : Bonus yang bisa langsung Kamu dapatkan setelah registrasi(pendaftaran), Kamu langsung dapet Rp.1500 asyiik...

LOGIN Bonus: seyiap kali kamu login kamu bakalan dapet Rp.15,- ......Lumayan

REFFERAL Bonus : Bonus yang akan anda dapatkan bila ada member baru yang mendaftar atas rekomendasi(ajakan) anda(Rp.150 boleh tuh). Bonus ini terus berlanjut selama member tersebut masih aktif. Anda akan menerima komisi dari setiap aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh member tersebut, baik saat member tersebut mendaftar, login juga komisi dari total penghasilan yang telah dikumpulkan oleh member tersebut.

KLIK IKLAN bonus : bonus yang bakalan km dapet dengan mengklik iklan..

SO tunggu apalagi...,

Selagi anda browsing, chatting atau beraktifitas internet lainnya, mengapa kamu tidak bergabung saja dengan program kami ini ? Karena di sini ada nilai-nilai rupiah yang bisa kamu kumpulkan...!

klo mau gabung


Saturday, 6 September 2008

trik dapat dollar di yuwie

Ayo teman-teman kita boomingkan Yuwie, sebelum terlambat. Saya yakin bisnis komunitas sosial
seperti Yuwie ini akan BOOMing di seluruh Dunia.

Cuma ngajak temen >MIRIP Friendster TAPI di Yuwi anda di BAYAR DoLLar, MAU?

PERNAH JOIN DI Friendster?


Yup, tepat sekali! Kita bisa pajangin foto kita, nulis apa aja sampe yang ga penting banget, cari temen, PDKT, curhat, de..el..el. but anyway, pernahkah kita berpikir andaikan semua yang kita lakukan di Friendster mendapat imbalan duit? Bayangin aja TIDAK DAPET DUIT aja SEMANGAT, apalagi yang dibayar duit. PASTI semangat banget!

Yuwi itu makhluk apaan sih?

What is YUWIE???


How Does YUWIE make money??

Yuwi adalah situs social net.working seperti halnya MySpace, Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, dll. Hanya yang memBEDAkannya adalah ada pembagian keuntungan bagi anggota Yuwi. Setiap bulan Yuwi akan membagikan keuntungan dari iklan yang didapat kepada seluruh member!

Yuwi adalah social net.working (sejenis Friendster) PERTAMA di dunia yang membayar para membernya dari hasil periklanan yang mereka kelola. Maksudnya, darimana Yuwi bisa membayar kita? Jawabannya ya, dari iklan2 yang nongol ato nampang di halaman situs Yuwi. Mereka bekerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan periklanan besar di dunia, lalu hasil bayaran yang mereka terima dibagikan sama member2nya, istilah populernya adalah RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate). Mereka sangat menghargai kerja membernya.

Kita dapat bagian dari iklan yang masuk di situs Yuwi, disebut RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate) yaitu bagian hasil pendapatan Yuwi dari iklan2 yang nongol dibagikan pada mamber2nya. So, apa aja yang kita lakuin di Yuwi dari upload foto, interaksi ma temen, ngajak temen join, chat, nulis blog, comment, dll ada imbalannya, bahkan hanya login dan mondar-mandir di member area (control panel) juga dibayar. Kalo ada member lain yang berkunjung di profil kita, ngliat album foto kita, baca blog kita, ato cumin ngeklik-ngeklik doang, kita udah dapat bayaran, BAHKAN kita sendiri yang melakukan juga dibayar lho :-)

Bayangkan jika tahun depan Yuwi memiliki member sebanyak Friendster, dan banyak dari member itu berada di bawah referral anda, maka pada saat itu anda bisa jadi sangat kaya raya :)

Bagaimana, anda tertarik?, Pasti tertarik bukan :-). Yuwi menghargai kita BANDINGKAN dengan situs-situs komunitas sosial lainnya, mereka tidak membayar kita seperserpun :-(

Kalau join lewat refferal saya MAKA anda otomatis menjadi teman saya dan saya SANGAT MENGHARGAI hal itu karena kita adalah teman

Join GRATIS di Yuwi?

silahkan ke situs
lalu sign up !!1

Apa saja yang dihitung ketika ada orang membuka halaman kita?

CARA KERJA Yuwi sangat Simple sbb:

1. Anda dibayar kalau membuka halaman Profile
2. Dibayar ketika buka halaman Blog
3. Dibayar ketika buka halaman Foto
4. Dibayar ketika kamu komentar ke teman kamu
5. Dibayar ketika teman kamu, ngebalas pesan teman kamu.
6. Dibayar ketika seorang melihat layout kita.
7. Dibayar ketika Teman kita melihat semua teman kita.
8. Dibayar ketika kita curhat sama teman kita.
9. Kita Juga mendapatkan penghasilan dari teman yg kita ajak.
10. Dibayar ketika anda beraktifitas di menu control panel (di member area)
11. DiBAYAR BAYAR dan Intinya� semuanya 100% SAMA seperti kegiatan kita di Friendster. Hampir semuanya SAMA PERSIS. Bedanya justru di Yuwi kita dibayar. Asyik khan :-)

Yang TIDAK dihitung:
1. Me reload ulang atau me-refresh halaman
2. Membuka halaman kurang dari 3 detik.


Pasti banyak yang bingung, gimana sih sebenernya cara kerja Yuwi, ada temen yang nanya: beneran gak sih bisa ngehasilin duit? Banyak yang ragu, banyak yang yakin, banyak juga yang iseng2 :) Karena alasan itu, gua coba untuk ngejelasin cara kerja Yuwi…MENURUT PERNYATAAN Yuwi, selama ini social networking website seperti Friendster, Facebook itu bisa dapet penghasilan sampai USD 20 Juta Dol.lar lebih dari iklan yg nongol di situs mereka. Tugas mereka apa? Mereka cuma bikin tuh website dan biarin yang membernya kerja.. Jadi ceritanya si Yuwi ini katanya mau coba untuk bagi-bagi rejeki lah ke membernya. Toh makin banyak member yg masuk bakal makin besar juga penghasilan dia.

Jadi darimana Yuwi dapet uang untuk kita? Iya dari para pemasang iklan yang bayar ke Yuwi. Pemasang iklan akan membayar ke Yuwi berdasarkan page view. Misalnya iklan salah satu merk tertentu ada di profil/album/blog seseorang, maka nantinya pemasang iklan akan ditagih oleh Yuwi sesuai jumlah berapa kali iklannya itu dilihat oleh orang. Jadi gak perlu klak klik iklannya. Cuma satu, pastikan semua page sudah terload. Kita sebagai user dikasih keleluasaan untuk dapetin revenue share dari page view yg dilakukan sama kita dan referal (orang yg kita undang) utk daftar di Yuwi. Kalo di Friendster anda ingat sebutan Friends (temennya temen, temennya temen, temennya temen loe bisa ampe 10.000 orang), bayangin aja kalo 10.000 Friend ini maen2 di Yuwi dan ngebrowse pic blog orang2.

Kenapa Yuwi bisa membayar anda?

Logikanya mudah saja karena setiap anda membuka suatu halaman pasti ada iklan di halaman tersebut
terutama Google Ads, banner dll.

Simple-nya seperti ini.
Perusahaan lain beriklan di Yuwi > Perusahaan itu membayar Yuwi > Yuwi membayar anda

Sangat logis khan!

Pokoknya, semakin sering kita aktif, semakin banyak pula page views yang kita dapatin dan semakin cepat Cek dollar dari Yuwi sampai ke rumah kita. Pembayarannya bisa kita tentukan batas minimumnya, minimum payout $25. kamu bisa set pembayarannya via Cek atau Paypal. Jika diset Cek, tulis nama asli sesuai KTP dan alamat rumah sejelas-jelasnya (biar ga nyasar di rumah tetangga :), selanjutnya, Cek bisa ditukerin di bank.

Untuk dapat penghasilan 4 digit angka dengan mata uang $ dari Yuwi bukan hal yang sulit, bahkan bisa jauh lebih besar! Syaratnya Cuma satu, setelah register, harus aktif. DIJAMIN bakal sukses! Ga percaya? Buktiin aja sendiri tar!

Jadi untuk bisa sukses di Yuwi harus aktif, maka sukses akan anda dapatkan. Program ini benar-benar 100% GRATISS�TISS�TISSSSS! dan TERBUKTI MEMBAYAR MEMBERNYA!

Untuk meraih sukses di Yuwi bukan sesuatu yang instant. Butuh kesabaran, ketelatenan, ketekunan dan mental yang kuat. Jangan berharap setelah register, $$$ akan mengalir dengan sendirinya tanpa usaha. Semua butuh usaha.

TIPS dan TRIKnya Untuk anda :-)

Cara menghasilkan jutaan views

Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya… “Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?”

Cara terbaik supaya halaman kamu dilihat adalah menambah lebih banyak content pada profil kamu. Add banyak teman, tinggalkan komentar untuk teman, upload banyak pictures, dan aktif dengan blog. Semua itu bisa membuat orang lain melihat banyak halaman dari profil kamu. kamu lebih aktif, halaman anda akan lebih banyak dilihat. Ingat, setiap kamu menambahkan profil pada halaman anda, semua teman anda diberitahu melalui Friend Feed mereka.

Setelah teman kamu terdaftar sebagai referral kamu, tuntun dia untuk melakukan hal serupa (mencari referral lain) supaya downline kamu semakin banyak lagi. Mudah bukan?

Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan Cek atau Paypal $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 95 juta) per bulan LUAR BIASA :-)

Kayaknya Friendster (FS) ni pengennya menang sendiri, kenapa tidak? Di FS, kita menulis YUWIE 1 kata saja di comment atau message, pesan kita ga akan terkirim atau ga akan keliatan. What happen? Selain Yuwi, FS juga men-sensor beberapa situs atau kata tertentu. Tambah kurang ajar, ga? Jadi jangan harap bisa menyebarkan Yuwi lewat FS, kecuali dengan trik khusus agar kita dapat mengundang teman kita dari FS, kalo perlu ajakin mereka exodus besar-besaran dari FS ke Yuwi yang mau membayar membernya, HUAHAHHAHA :-)

Yuwi memang tempat nongkrong paling asyik… di Yuwi, temen dan uang sama penting :)

Yang paling asyik jumlah temen gw di Yuwi LANGSUNG lebih banyak dari jumlah temen gw di FS… makin enjoy dah…

Berusaha terus dapat banyak teman (dan dollar) dari Yuwi… hari gini pas.sive in.come penting banget :) kalo perlu bikin 6 pokok saluran pipa uang (six profits figure) yang mengalir ke rekening kita :)

Perlahan tapi pasti… makin banyak temen yang join di jaringan makin berpotensi untuk dapat kiriman Cek atau Paypal dari Yuwi :) walaupun entah kapan… bulan depan (belum kali ye:), mungkin 3 bulan atau 6 bulan lagi, mudah mudahan aja… soalnya kalo gw liat progresnya… tiap hari makin tambah banyak aja temen.

So… kalau menurut kamu teman lebih penting daripada uang kenapa gak join di Yuwi aja… faktanya gw lebih banyak temen di Yuwi daripada di FS…

Or… kalau menurut kamu temen dan uang sama penting, pastinya kamu harus join di Yuwi karena Yuwi adalah social PERTAMA dan No. 1 di dunia yang ngasih uang ke member-membernya…

Ajak temen2 > Nongkrong > Dibayar!
Buat siapa aja… netter, karyawan, siapa aja yang TAHUN DEPAN BELUM PASTI NAIK GAJI hingga $10,235.49 (Rp. 95 juta ) PER BULAN. Mungkin penghasilan Rp 95 juta bagi kita terlalu banyak dan muluk-muluk. BAGAIMANA kalau kita ambil 10 % saja dari Rp 95 juta YAKNI
10 % x Rp 95 juta = Rp 9,5 Juta dari Yuwi PER BULAN, suatu penghasilan tambahan yg luar biasa dahsyatnya :-)

Cuma ngajak temen > beraktifitas seperti di Friendster > dibayar dollar !

Cuma Ada di Yuwi lho…

Kalau join lewat refferal saya MAKA anda otomatis menjadi teman saya dan saya SANGAT MENGHARGAI hal itu karena kita adalah teman

Join GRATIS di Yuwie

pergilah ke situs

sign up langsung !!

. Masuk ke halaman utama Yuwie. Klik disini

2. Klik langsung tombol Sign Up yang ada di bawah proses loading. Jadi, tidak perlu menunggu proses loading selesai (100%). Note: bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui secara jelas prosedur lengkap penggunaan Yuwie, tunggu loadingnya mencapai 100%. Maka, video yang berisi penjelasan lengkap seputar Yuwie akan muncul. Terserah anda!

3. Isi dengan data yang valid pada formulir pendaftaran Yuwie. Di bagian atas merupakan Member Yuwie yang menjadi referrer anda. Anda dapat bertanya dan berkonsultasi mengenai masalah anda seputar Yuwie beserta cara penggunaan Yuwie yang benar. Dalam hal ini, saya sendiri yang akan menjadi Referrer anda. Note: pastikan email yang anda pakai valid. Karena link verifikasi yang berisi konfirmasi pendaftaran sebagai member sah Yuwie akan dikirimkan ke alamat email ini. Terserah, bisa melalui email Yahoo, Gmail, Live, Hotmail dan lain-lain.
isi referrernya dengan dausyuwie

Pada bagian Country, pilih Negara anda. Note: bila anda bukan warga atau tinggal di Amerika, anda tidak perlu mengisi kolom 5 Digit Zip (kode pos). Biarkan kolom ini kosong!. Pada kolom Personal URL, anda bisa menggunakan nama belakang, nickname atau kata lainnya. Ketik kata yang anda pilih sebagai personal URL ke dalam kolom yang telah sengaja dilingkari. Note: Personal URL merupakan alamat situs Yuwie pribadi anda. Dengan ini, Anda hanya tinggal mengetikannya di address bar browser untuk melihat halaman profile Yuwie anda.

Pada kolom Security Question, pilih salah satu dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan pengaman yang telah disediakan. Isi kolom Answer dengan jawaban dari pertanyaan pengaman yang anda pilih. Contoh: Misalkan pertanyaan pengaman yang anda pilih 'What was the name of the street you grew up on?' ketik 'Nama Jalan anda tinggal' pada kolom Answer.

6. Jangan lupa menandai box kecil yang ada tepat di bawah kolom Answer sebagai tanda menyetujui segala persyaratan Yuwie. Klik tombol Next.

7. Yuwie akan menampilkan review dari semua data yang anda input. Anda dapat mengedit kembali data yang anda isi dengan mengklik tombol Back. Bila tidak ada yang perlu diperbaiki lagi, isi kolom Verify Characters dengan kode yang muncul diatasnya. Note: dalam pengisiannya tidak boleh beda!. Klik tombol Next.

Bila proses awal berhasil. Akan muncul halaman yang berisi ucapan selamat kepada anda atas berhasilnya account Yuwie yang anda buat. Di sini anda bisa langsung mengupload photo (size: 200x200 max. 3 mb) yang akan anda jadikan primary anda. Note: anda bisa melewatkan bagian ini dengan mengkil link 'Skip Photo Upload'!

9. Layaknya Friendster dan social network lainnya, setelah proses pendaftaran Yuwie berhasil anda akan diminta untuk mengisi halaman Invite Friends untuk mengundang teman-teman yang lain untuk bergabung.

10. Sama dengan tahap Upload photo, anda juga bisa mengabaikan tahap ini bila mau. Caranya: klik link 'Skip This Step'. Selanjutnya, akan tampil form yang berisi verifikasi bahwa anda benar-benar ingin mengabaikan tahap Inviting. Pada halaman ini, klik link 'Not Right Now'.

11. Secara otomatis, anda akan dibawa Yuwie ke halaman Control Panel anda. Control Panel pada Yuwie hampir sama dengan halaman Home yang ada di Friendster. Semua aktivitas Yuwie akan dilaporkan disini seperti laporan adanya new requst friends, new comments, new messages dan statistik aktivitas Yuwie anda. Note: usahakan nilai statistik pada Control Panel anda tinggi, sehingga penghasilan yang anda peroleh dari Yuwie pun akan semakin besar!.

Sayangnya, untuk saat ini semua layanan gratis gratis Yuwie belum bisa anda gunakan. Anda perlu mensetting waktu daerah setempat dan konfirmasi ulang account Yuwie kita. Alasannya: untuk menjamin account anda benar-benar terdaftar pada database Yuwie, sehingga dapat mengakses semua layanan Yuwie secara gratis seperti upload photo, video ataupun memposting artikel ke dalam blog anda!.

Cara mensetting waktu daerah:
Klik link 'Set Your TimeZone' pilih waktu yang sesuai dengan waktu pada daerah anda, untuk mengakhirinya klik tombol Set Time Zone.

Cara mengkonfirmasi account Yuwie:
- Kunjungi situs penyedia alamat email anda. Misalkan saja Ketikkan URL ini pada address bar browser anda , misalkan Mozilla Firefox

- Login dengan Yahoo ID anda. Setelah proses Login berhasil, biasanya akan diberitahukan jumlah email yang baru masuk.

- Klik tombol tersebut. Pada halaman Yahoo!Mail anda, check email masuk di folder Inbox. Cari email yang berupa 'Yuwie Registration' dengan Subject 'Welcome to Yuwie!'.

- Buka email Yuwie tersebut. Email ini jangan sampai dibaca oleh orang lain karena Yuwie mencantumkan email login + password Yuwie anda di didalamnya. Klik link untuk aktivasi account Yuwie anda yang letaknya ada di bawah email login + password Yuwie anda.

- Account anda secara otomatis teraktivasi setelah mengklik link ini.

- Kini anda dapat menggunakan secara gratis semua layanan Yuwie, SELAMAT!
- Klik tab Login, masukkan email Yuwie dan password yang anda daftarkan sebelumnya.

- Masuk ke halaman Profile anda, klik link 'Your Control Panel'.

- Masuk Ke Halaman Control Panel anda. Di sinilah segala aktivitas Yuwie anda. Mengenai fungsi-fungsi yang ada di halaman Control Panel akan dibahas pada pembahasan selanjutnya.

Best of luck ! Get Dollar is Very Easy with Yuwie... Do you think so, all my Friends?