Thursday, 12 April 2012

Review : 500 days of summer

Tom dan Summer sedang duduk di bangku taman, saling menggenggam tangan dan menatap dalam. Sebuah gemerlap cincin pertunangan melingkar dengan indah di jari Summer. Itu adalah hari ke-488 dari film tersebut, dan ini bukan kisah cinta, tapi tentang cinta. Itulah "500 Days of Summer" - sebuah film yang realistis perihal cinta, komitmen, lucu, manis, romantis, dan benar-benar memilukan.

Penghargaan dan Pengakuan "500 Days of Summer" mendapat standing ovation saat diputar di Festival Sundance pada tahun 2009. Banyak pengamat menilai ini adalah salah satu film terbaik pada tahun tersebut.

Karakter dan Peran

  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt berperan sebagai Tom, seorang penulis kartu ucapan
  • Zooey Deschanel memerankan Summer, pegawai baru di kantor Tom
  • Pertemuan pertama mereka langsung membuat Tom terpukau

Keunikan Alur Cerita Film ini menarik dengan alur non-konvensional:

  • Tidak dimulai dari hari pertama secara berurutan
  • Dimulai dari hari ke-488 dan melompat-lompat ke hari sebelum dan sesudahnya
  • Perpindahan waktu yang cerdas tanpa memberikan spoiler
  • Membuat penonton terus menebak-nebak dan berharap

Akting yang Brilian

  • Levitt sangat brilian dalam memerankan Tom:
    • Sosok romantis yang percaya pada cinta sejati
    • Karakter yang canggung dan frustrasi
    • Kesulitan mengekspresikan emosi
  • Zooey Deschanel sebagai Summer:
    • Menakjubkan dalam perannya
    • Cerdas dan natural
    • Menyembunyikan lapisan karakter yang hanya terungkap di akhir film
    • Menjadi objek kasih sayang Tom yang "sempurna"

Kesimpulan Film ini sangat kreatif, mengejutkan, dan bijaksana. Sebuah karya yang wajib masuk dalam daftar tontonan para penggemar film.


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Review Film : The Raid

The Raid merupakan salah satu film produksi lokal terbaik yang pernah saya tonton dalam genre Action/Thriller. Film ini langsung straight to the point ke bagian action-nya, tanpa bertele-tele.

Akting & Dialog

  • Aksi yang ditampilkan Iko Uwais dan Ray Sahetapy berhasil memainkan emosi penonton
  • Dialog yang digunakan cukup ringan namun agak kasar
  • PERHATIAN: Tidak disarankan untuk ditonton anak kecil

Impact ke Penonton Film ini mampu membuat penonton merasakan:

  • Ngilu
  • Tegang
  • Rasa sakit yang ditampilkan terasa nyata


  • Cerita: 7/10
    • Introduction cerita agak kurang
  • Efek Visual: 9/10
    • Di atas rata-rata rumah produksi film Indonesia
    • Meski digarap sutradara asing, kualitasnya tetap membanggakan
  • Overall Rating: 8.4/10

Kesimpulan Film ini wajib ditonton bagi penggemar genre Action/Thriller.

Sekian review dari saya. Selamat menonton dan jangan sungkan untuk memberikan komentar! :)


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Motivation In Life

Many people struggle with motivation. They lack enthusiasm, show no interest in working toward goals, and seem unmoved by any incentive. But why is this so? Why are some people unmotivated? What's really going on?

Factors Affecting Our Mindset

Our expectations and thinking patterns are shaped by various factors, both known and unknown:

Known Factors:

  • Personal thinking patterns
  • Environmental circumstances
  • Early upbringing
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Cultural background
  • Family support
  • Social connections
  • Individual intelligence

The Mystery of Human Response Even with similar backgrounds and circumstances, two people might react completely differently to the same situation. The human mind remains largely mysterious, making it difficult to predict responses or outcomes.

The Complexity of Motivation

Consider these examples:

  • You might be highly motivated for one task but completely disinterested in another
  • A mathematician might be thrilled by complex equations but unmoved by beautiful music
  • A musician might be equally excited by both mathematics and music

The human mind is incredibly complex, and we often don't fully understand our own:

  • Few people can truly claim to know their own minds
  • While we may understand our abilities and desires
  • Predicting our reactions to situations remains challenging

Finding Personal Solutions

Breaking free from demotivation requires:

  • Self-reflection
  • Personal initiative
  • Individual action

While external support helps:

  • Friends and family can provide encouragement
  • Medical science can offer assistance
  • The final journey must be made by the individual

Supporting Others

If you notice a friend becoming demotivated:

  • Offer inspiration and support
  • Even from a distance, you can help by:
    • Sending inspirational e-cards
    • Sharing motivational quotes
    • Suggesting uplifting content
    • Providing encouragement

Remember: Everyone needs a boost sometimes. Be ready to motivate those who need it.


Friday, 17 February 2012

I am an AIESECer!! So proud of me

It's now February, which means that last month was January and next month is March. It's now the 17th, meaning that yesterday was the 16th, and tomorrow is the 18th.

I am now an AIESECer. What is AIESEC? Google it. I am now in talent management. Why am I proud to be an AIESECer? Google it. Why don't I explain it here? Because I want you to know about AIESEC in advance.

I've changed my future plans but my goal hasn't changed. Yes, I want to continue my education in Europe, especially Finland. In the near future, my goals are: consistently maintaining a GPA above 3.0 on a scale of 4, saving money to get an internship in Singapore, working for 1 year in a multinational company, and getting a master's degree in Finland.

With AIESEC, I feel happy. I am now with the team as family; we complement each other. My immediate goal is to help AIESEC President University become established.


Friday, 23 December 2011

Study in Indonesia with scholarship for Undergraduate

President University is one of the international universities in Indonesia. I study here because I got a scholarship scheme. I received a category 2 scholarship, which means my tuition fee is reduced by about 70%.

Studying at President University has been really exciting for me. It has been 4 months since I started. I've made many friends from Vietnam, Palestine, and China. I am happy because I have a lot of international friends. Sometimes, I exchange cultures with them. For example, I try Vietnamese or Chinese foods.

Additionally, brainstorming with them is really amazing. Because we are from different cultures, our discussions about international issues or other topics often become fun and interesting. Furthermore, one benefit I've gained here is confidence when interacting with people from other countries, as I've made a lot of improvements in my English skills.

For your information, I am not a marketer from President University - I am currently a student there. If you're interested in undergraduate scholarships in Indonesia, especially at President University, you can visit their official scholarship program page at
