Sunday, 8 July 2012

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6. Click Member Area
7. Login to member area with your member ID and your password, and enter the code shown then click Log In
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Thursday, 12 April 2012

Review : 500 days of summer

Tom dan Summer sedang duduk di bangku taman, mereka saling menggenggam tangan satu sama lain, saling menatap dengan dalam satu sama lain , sebuah gemerlap cincin pertunangan melingkar dengan indah di jari Summer. Itu adalah hari ke 488 dari film tersebut dan ini bukan kisah cinta, tapi tentang cinta. Itulah "500 days of summer"  sebuah film yang realistis perihal cinta, komitmen , lucu, manis, romantis, dan benar-benar sungguh memilukan. "500 Days of Summer" mendapat standing ovation saat di putar di Festival Sundance pada tahun 2009 . Banyak pengamat menilai ini adalah salah satu film terbaik pada tahun tersebut

Joseph Gordon-Levitt memainkan perannya di film ini sebagai Tom, seorang penulis kartu ucapan dikantor tempat ia bekerja. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) adalah pegawai baru di tempat dimana Tom bekerja , dan saat hari pertama itulah Tom mulai terpukau .  Film ini menarik , alurnya bukan konvensional seperti dari hari 1 , hari 2 , tapi film ini dimulai dari ke 488 dan loncat ke hari berikutnya maupun sebelumnya.

Sepanjang itu semua, penonton tidak pernah yakin bagaimana itu akan berakhir. Tom dan Summer semakin dekat dan meskipun terkadang alurnya melompat antara hari ke hari untuk menunjukkan kepada kita sekilas ke masa depan mereka, dan sang sutradara melakukannya tanpa spoiler. "500 Days of Summer" membuat penonton menebak-nebak dan berharap, berasumsi dan mungkin yang paling terasa efek dari film ini adalah merasa sehati dengan Tom saat ia berpegang teguh kepada konsep cinta sejati.

Levitt sungguh benar-benar brilian dalam memainkan karakter seorang Tom, peran sosok seorang romantis yang percaya bahwa ia pada akhirnya menemukan gadis yang sempurna.  Tom disini sangat canggung dan frustrasi, sering tidak dapat mengekspresikan emosinya.  Zooey disini berperan sebagai sosok Summer . Summer adalah objek kasih sayang bagi Tom . Tom melihat Summer karena dia sempurna, dan Zooey melakukan peran sebagai Summer dengan sangat menakjubkan, cerdas , indah dan semua terlihat natural . Summer memproyeksikan sesuatu yang tersembunyi di bawah apa yang dilihat selama ini oleh Tom dan itu hanya terbayar sepenuhnya di akhir film.

Film Ini sangat kreatif, mengejutkan, bijaksana, dan harus masuk dalam list wajib ditonton oleh para penggemar film. Selengkapnya...

Friday, 6 April 2012

List Update Leech site generator for April 2012

These are list of leecher site that I would like to share. All premium link generator . Free Rapidshare, Hotfile , Wupload , Fileserve , Filesonic and many more.

Enjoy it!
 List Update for April 1st week that currently still work
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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Review Film : The Raid

The Raid , film ini termasuk salah satu film produksi lokal terbaik yang pernah saya tonton dalam genre : Action | Thriller. Film ini tidak bertele tele karena langsung straight to the point ke actionnya. Aksi yang ditampilkan oleh Iko Uwais dan Ray Sahetapy di film ini cukup memainkan emosi penonton. Dialog yang digunakan dalam film ini cukup ringan dan agak kasar. Saya sangat menyarankan untuk tidak membawa anak kecil saat menonton film ini. Film ini mampu membuat penonton merasakan ngilu , tegang , dan sakit yang ditampilkan di film ini.

Secara cerita saya menilai 7/10 , karena introduction dari cerita ini menurut saya agak kurang. Lalu untuk efek gambar di film ini , saya bisa kasih 9/10 karena termasuk diatas rata rata rumah produksi film skala negara kita , meskipun harus saya akui ini film adalah garapan sutradara asing , namun keseluruhan dari film The Raid menurut saya adalah 8,4 . Ini film wajib anda tonton jika anda penggemar film Action | Thriller .

Sekian review dari saya. Selamat menonton dan apabila ada komentar , janganlah sungkan :) Selengkapnya...

15RIBU dapet apa? Usaha modal kecil tapi pasti untung

Sebenernya saya udah ada usaha travel sendiri. Nah , kebetulan kalo anda mau buka usaha tiketing dengan modal kecil sebesar 15.000 , sekali lagi saya tekankan hanya 15.000 anda udah bisa jualan tiket pesawat , kereta , pulsa , voucher pln dll.  KLIK DISINI . Terserah mau pake url saya atau tidak . Saya sangat menghargai sekali dan berterimakasih kalo anda daftar melalui url saya. Ini bukan bisnis mlm kawan. Ini murni jualan tiket pesawat. Anda bisa jual tiket pesawat dengan harga agen. Sekali lagi hanya 15,000.

Sekarang , anda lagi duduk di depan komputer pasti punya uang 15ribu kan? Gimana kalo 15ribu itu anda investasikan untuk bisa berjualan tiket pesawat , kereta dll. Ketimbang hanya untuk beli rokok ?

Pikirkan baik baik.. Saya tidak ingin menipu, uang 15ribu itu mudah sekali balik modal dengan bisnis ini. Selamat mencoba, 15ribu bisa jadi titik balik hidup anda hari ini. Ini murni jualan , bukan member get member atau pay per lead . Saya kasih kebebasan yang mau daftar lewat link saya boleh , yang tidak juga tidak apa apa. Setidaknya hargai informasi yang saya share :)

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tactics to Increase Learning Of any Second Language

Learning a second language is never simple for the easy believe that it truly is exactly that — a second language. Ninety-nine percent of the time period and, obviously, barring the existence of congenital speech defects, the issue of learning a brand new language is brought on from the learner’s adherence towards the conventions and practices of his first language, his native tongue. Conflicts in pronunciation, vocabulary, usage, intonation, manner of expression, even understanding of concepts, therefore arise. An optimal technique to test this truth is to get a simple statement in English read by way of Frenchman, an Italian, a Russian, a Japanese, a Portuguese and a German. Observe how many versions of the same statement in English you get!

The most effective undertaking in learning a brand new language, therefore, would be to start fresh. Try, even temporarily, to suppress whatever conventions you are employed to along with your native tongue, and learn right from the start. Although this is easier said than done, it really is crucial to the actual procedure of learning a brand new language. You may also apply these fundamental proven techniques:

1. Understand the language’s basic sentence structure. No matter what language it really is, its basic unit of thought will without a doubt be the noun-verb combination we all recognize in English since the sentence. Learn some nouns and verbs to convey your notions and you’re traveling, but do not concentrate on learning rules alone. Remember, to be aware of a language means to be able to speak it.

2. Read, read, read! Reading shall help you get informed about common terms and expressions utilized in a particular language. Read simple materials like newspapers and magazine articles that you diligently easily understand that may help you slowly build your vocabulary. Your main goal will be familiar with this language at some point so learn new words because you progress. Bear in mind though that, to become effective, your vocabulary needs to be made up of words you will be able to understand and utilize not solely words which you recognize comprehend but cannot use.

3. Write, write, write! Because you acquire more confidence, start writing down your ideas on paper. Create articles on pieces you have observed or another experience you might have encountered. The advisable way to practice your writing skills would be to retain a personal journal of things occurring within and around you. This will likely also hone your abilities in narrating and describing events.

4. Learn the art of listening. Your best choice to acquire skills in correct pronunciation and intonation of any language is to listen to the way a native speaker speaks it. Its vital for any person who feels compelled to be an expert in a language to develop his listening comprehension.

5. Learn to use the dictionary. If you are writing, reading or merely listening, it should serve you well to study the dictionary. This will not exclusively guide you widen your vocabulary, it will of course enhance your confidence in looking for an appropriate words for particular situations.

Ten Awesome Techniques Send Your Audience to Sleep

Have you ever fallen asleep when listening to a speech or presentation? Sometimes a little nap in the course of the presentation can grow your energy for the rest of the time. Speakers- if you would like function as the an individual to send your audience to snooze, so they will be fully alert for other people’s presentations follow these ten techniques.

1. Be sure that your materia l is dry and boring. Be sure that your material is either highly technical or complex. If it is possible fill your speech with specialized academic content that is not easily understood without prior study and research.

2. Do not include any explanations or illustrations to create the content understandable to your average person in your own audience.

3. Schedule your speech to become by the end of a long day or following a big meal. This can give added incentive for drowsiness and lethargy.

4. Speak softly and avoid any expression or vocal variety that may distract or interest your audience.

5. Stand still at the rear of lectern for the entire speech. Any movement or sudden gestures could get up your audience.

6. Avoid any variation in fashion in your presentation. Tend not to vary from speaking with having a flip chart, PowerPoint or any other kind of visual aid or prop that may attract attention.

7. Never include any humor or stories in your speech which could illustrate the details you desire to communicate.

8. Tend not to keep to the subject of the speech. Spend a large amount of time rambling about subjects or personal experiences that have been boring and totally off topic.

9. Speak about an interest that could be very familiar on your audience. Keep your content to things they know already.

10. Provide highly detailed handouts, to make your audience do not ignore any important info during their snooze. Just be sure you do not say everything that will not be found in the offer. For best results, just go over handout word for word.

Hopefully, by following carefully the ten tips outlined here, you will have the satisfaction of seeing a complete audience snoring quietly and happily throughout your entire presentation. Should you not follow the following tips you may be alarmed to locate that your chosen audience is alert and fascinated by all the thins you have to express.

Motivation In Life

A lot of of people are demotivated to obtain anything. Such people aren't enthusiastic about anything. They don't desire to work towards any goal. Nothing motivates each of them work. Just why it so? Why many of us aren't motivated? What exactly is wrong?

We expect in a number of ways and our thinking is ready by many factors. There are known and some are unknown. The known factors are - thinking, circumstances, early upbringing, living style, culture, family support, friends, own intelligence etc. Our thoughts and our mental makeup is additionally decided by many problems that are yet not known. Two persons of comparable upbringing can be facing similar situation, but react in opposite ways? there are so many whys in regards to the human mind that it is very difficulties determine concerning what could happen.

Returning to your central question - why are seem to be us totally demotivated? There isn't any easy answer. Can anything be carried out to propel such people towards work? Is one able to do anythi ng to make them enthuiastitic about anything, making sure that they begin working towards it?

Take your own example. You happen to be motivated to do one thing, but totally demotivated by another thing. A mathematician may get very excited taking a look at a Math problem, but remain unaffected from the greatest bits of music? Why? The musician acts exactly opposite, or may get equally excited by maths problem and music. Why? Our thoughts are a sophisticated structure, about which we ourselves don't know much. What percentage of people can say to know about their unique mind? They could learn about thier abilities and disabilities, their needs and wants, etc. but can they predict about their own reaction in a situation? very difficult.

One has to locate one's own answers in this way situations. A person has to reflect himself/herself and determine relating to the action that may be taken away to break the unmotivated state. Friends, family and medical science may help an individual to a certain extent, still the final destination ought to be reached from the person on his/her own.

If at anytime, you notice that a friend in your life is getting demotivated about life, make an attempt to inspire him/her as much as possible. Even when you are physically faraway from your friend you will be able to send him inspirational e-cards , quotes and let him know to download motivational screensavers and wallpapers. So motivate everyone who needs the boost.

Expertise and Succesful Time Management

In order for time management to achieve success, you have to abide by certain rules. Although some of us contrast directly at ways, there are key rules that tie in with everybody. Planning is perhaps those key rules that refer to all people in your time management. Once we are strategically looking to stay organized, it tells where our life is headed. Once we divert an inspiration, we have to specialize in everything that pertains to our lives, including business, family, self, entertainment, meals, and so forth. Were you to thinking of manage time in business, afterwards you would concentrate on the specific requirements which entail mom and her expertise. Additionally will need to include your team, if this happens to be the reality of you. Teams that participate together often stay together and become successful. However, the precise target is what you are to accomplish for making your business run smoothly.

To achieve success in time management you must evaluate many viewpoints, type of attack, and replicas which can be included in premeditated plans. If you are doing work in a company, you have to develop a plan of action to t he atmosphere customers within the company. For instance, businesses are sometimes complex throughout their own way, and even this is actually a direct result of dialect and miscommunication. Therefore, in case you are experiencing problems within your organization it is advisable to look for a resolve inside the chain of communication, by laying out an inspiration working for every individual. Time management falls into place when the organization is running smoothly. Annually most companies run into each other to put out your own business plan, and also to re-evaluate the organization plan invoked. Should you have excess to this particular plan for success it is advisable to ask your boss or if you are the boss to go during the plan. Business plans are great for helping businesses find a solution to problems. Usually the problem is hidden in the fine lines of the work plan. Analyzing business plans is definitely part of the strategy that heads in the direction of successful time management scheme.

Staying organized is also important. Should you have a thought and discover troubles with managing the effort, it can be because your organizing specifics are flawed. Staying organized also takes skills and knowledge. Should you not know where you can start with organizing go to take a look at your desk, in case you notice that you should trashed, you recognize your organizing skills are flawed. Skills can be found in if you take action to clean your desk and organize your papers. If you are tuned in to the records in most office, you know in most cases they may be categorized in alphabetic order. Lawyers often file their documents in filing cabinets labeling them by name. There are numerous methods to plan and organize to get a profitable time management scheme, except for the most part, it starts by evaluating what our needs are along with what we're expected to achieve. Should you have a family you and work extra hours, try to workout a time management plan performing to maintain the family happy.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Anak Ajaib dari Tanzania

Sharifuddin (atau Sharif-iddin) Khalifa, adalah seorang anak ajaib, lahir di di Arusha, di bagian utara Tanzania (sebuah negara di Afrika Timur), pada bulan Desember 1993. Muslim hanya sebagian kecil di Tanzania dan berbahasa Arab bukan asli di Tanzania. Orang tuanya adalah orang Kristen Katolik. Bahasa asli mereka adalah Swahili dan mereka tidak tahu bahasa Arab.

Ketika ia masih kecil, orang tuanya (yang Kristen) menyebutkan bahwa ia mampu membaca seluruh Quran dengan hati, meskipun tubuh tidak pernah mengajarinya untuk melakukannya.

Pada usia dua bulan, ia menolak untuk menyusu susu ibunya.

Pada usia empat bulan, ia mulai membacakan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an.

Pada saat ia berusia satu tahun, ia mampu membaca seluruh Quran dan melanjutkan untuk dapat berkhotbah dalam bahasa Arab, Swahili dan Perancis tanpa pendidikan formal.

Hal ini melaporkan bahwa kata-kata pertamanya adalah: "Anda orang bertobat dan Anda akan diterima oleh Allah" dan ia mengucapkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Arab. Orang tuanya awalnya mengira ia kerasukan setan dan dipanggillah seorang pendeta Kristen untuk mendoakan si bayi.

Akhirnya, tetangganya yang seorang Muslim mampu menafsirkan pidato asing Sharif. Setelah orang tuanya diakui bahwa pentingnya apa yang anak mereka katakan dan bahwa ia adalah keajaiban dari Tuhan, orang tuanya akhirnya masuk Islam.

Selanjutnya, meskipun fakta bahwa ia adalah dari Tanzania, ia berbicara bahasa Arab dengan lancar selain 4 bahasa lain (Inggris, Perancis, Italia, dan Swahili). Dia mampu mengambil bahasa yang sangat cepat, ia pernah berkata: "Saya pergi ke Kongo dan mendengar orang berbicara Lingala (bahasa lokal) saya langsung mulai mampu berbicara itu.."

Hari ini, dia memberikan khotbah dan ceramah di Afrika dan Eropa yang menarik ribuan orang mendengarkan dia. Karena anak ini, ribuan orang telah masuk Islam.

Berikut ini adalah artikel tentang dirinya yang dimuat di sebuah surat kabar Skotlandia pada 8 Agustus,1999;

Dan banyak pula beberapa video videonya di youtube 
